Overcoming PTE Writing Challenges: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.

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The Pearson Test of English (PTE) plays a very vital role for those who want to study abroad.
The PTE exam generally has four sections which are reading, writing, speaking, and listening. A
candidate’s knowledge of grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and written discourse is examined in
the PTE writing section. So, it is crucial that you comprehend this section and find out what is
expected before taking the exam.
Every competitive exam has a unique set of difficulties that must be addressed using knowledge
and tactics. The writing section of the PTE exam has several pitfalls as well but with proper
preparation and guidance, it’s possible to avoid those and get a good PTE score in writing.
Common writing mistakes in the PTE exam
Students find the writing section of the PTE exam to be somewhat difficult. The amount to
which you utilized a well-constructed, cohesive, and coherent sentence structure will be
evaluated here. There are two sections in the writing portion of the PTE exam where you must
show that you can comprehend the assignment. Candidates often find themselves doing some
silly mistakes some of which are given below:
 Many candidates for the PTE exam overlook the word limit which is one of the most
common mistakes that students make in their writing section. Students pay little attention
to the instructions when undertaking the essay challenge and that is where the mistake
 As the exam must be completed within the allocated time, each candidate’s ability to
manage their time effectively is crucial. Some candidates fail to match their writing pace
with the given time.
 Students also misunderstand the PTE exam’s objectives and wind up utilizing
complicated words to demonstrate their knowledge of the English language. But that only
makes the writing section difficult to understand.
 Some candidates misread the instructions for the writing topic. not understanding the task
that was assigned can come as a faulty description and a summarization that isn’t
 The majority of the time, instead of using connectors like commas and writing their ideas
clearly, students choose to summarize the text in more than one sentence.
 Many students make the mistake of concentrating just on the structure, the word count, or
the requirement of summarizing in one sentence. However, they fail to focus on grammar,
which is the foundation of the English language.
How to overcome PTE writing challenges?
There’s always a way to face challenges and overcome them. Candidates can follow some
strategies to avoid common writing challenges to get a higher PTE writing score. Some of the
effective solutions are given below:

  1. Avoid informal language

Since the PTE is an academic exam and requires a formal tone, avoid using slang as much as you
can in your writing. If at all possible, use the templates to expand your vocabulary so you won’t
have to rely solely on the words you use for daily life informal conversations.

  1. Stay on topic
    It is important to keep your topic simple and clear. In your writing, you’ll often repeat and test
    out the content’s main themes. You will not obtain a point if you do not sum up the significance
    or objective of the writing properly.
    While attempting to summarize the given text in the allotted time, it is common to misinterpret
    the topic. Therefore, it is advised to carefully read the text before summarizing it.
  2. Writing speed
    To do well on the essay writing task, having good writing speed is crucial and it should be
    thoroughly practiced. The word and time limits should be considered when typing on a computer.
    Many times, students concentrate on the first questions and later don’t get enough time to write
    the other ones properly. Having enough time for each topic gives the candidates the chance to
    think thoroughly and then write.
  3. Check grammatical errors
    To write descriptions that are clear and concise, practice writing regularly. When writing, keep in
    mind that grammatical, factual, or typographical errors could result in a score reduction.
    Because of the limited amount of time available, this error occurs frequently. Prior to taking the
    PTE exam, it is crucial to improve your English comprehension and grammar knowledge. This
    will make it simpler for you to write complex phrases in the PTE text summarizing part.
  4. Read instructions
    Students frequently ignore reading and comprehending the instructions and criteria for
    the writing section prior to taking the PTE exam, which causes them to fail badly. They often
    miss the word count and allocated time because of neglecting the given instructions.
    To tackle each and every section, you should carefully study the instructions and adhere to them.
    There will be specific rules and instructions for each section.
  5. Recheck and proofread
    Make sure to proofread your essay before moving on to the next section. Give yourself a few
    minutes to check for spelling mistakes, proper punctuation, and proper grammar in this final
    phase. Additionally, it’s necessary to make sure your response to the prompt’s question is
    accurate. You must check if you’ve presented your ideas and reached to a suitable conclusion.

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